It was great to sit down recently and talk about all things business with journalist Ciaran O’Donnell on his popular Highland Radio show and podcast – Business Matters.
Normally radio or TV interviews make me nervous but part of why I was less so here (and therefore talked too much!) is that for 12 year or so, myself and Ciaran worked together in a local newspaper and know each other very well.
Also, in recent times our work paths have changed quite dramatically, so it fell to no better man than he to talk to about career changes, self-employment and the importance of pivoting your skills for an ever changing marketplace.
As I now work primarily as a digital media content creator in the commercial sector, it was good to talk about the journey that led me here, and how it is something I’ve developed into helping companies connect with new audiences and opportunities.
Anyways, please click the link to listen in, and as always, if you need to talk about anything digital media – copywriting, video, motion design – then get in touch anytime!